Technology is rapidly evolving, and everyone has something a little different. As such, we are unable to provide technical support at this time.
However, we don't just want to leave you hanging. Therefore, here are some answers to frequently asked questions to help you troubleshoot any issues that might arise.
Q: How do I open a ZIP file?
A: Here are the steps for unzipping a zipped file.
- Save the ZIP file to your computer
- Right-click and select, "Extract All." This will create a new file on your computer in which you can open.
- If you need the file on a mobile device or multiple devices (for use at school and home), add the file to iCloud or Dropbox.
Mobile devices, like phones and tablets, do not allow for downloading through a link.
Q: Why don't the fonts look right?
A: All files are sent using PDF format. Most computers have pre-installed Adobe Reader on them, but if your particular laptop, PC, or mobile device does not have a PDF reader of some sort on it, you'll need one to view the items. Adobe Reader is the most common one and it's free. You can download it here.
If you have Adobe Reader and you are still having this issue, you might need to update to the latest version. Outdated versions can cause issues with your file.
Q: Where is my download? I can't find it anywhere!
A: Try looking in Downloads under My Computer or search the title of the file on your computer for where it could be hiding.
Q: Why is the file printing off the page?
A: Different printers have different margins. If you are having issues, try selecting the "Fit to page" option in your print menu. This typically fixes issues that arise from differences in printers.
This also typically fixes differences that occur with double-sided printing. However, if issues still arise, you can try manually feeding the paper for double-sided materials or using another printer if one is available.